Talk about a movie theatre, haha! Herm bein' nice and chill about it at least UuU
Thanks for all of the hard work on this =3
Talk about a movie theatre, haha! Herm bein' nice and chill about it at least UuU
Thanks for all of the hard work on this =3
I came over to give him hugs....well that escalated quickly 83;;
Still, you can see how your shading is improving quite nicely, and it really brings out the shapes of the characters and such ^^. Lookin' forward to seein' more awesomely shaded pics from ya ^^
The shading improvements you've made really stand out here with the hair and manes on the bois, hehe. Excellent work on these ^^
Hehehe, love how cute he looks with that melty face x3. You know I'm always happy to make mah toon buds' days with efforts like this UuU. Teamwork always helps too >83
Absolutely love how this turned out, hehe, he translates to your style very nicely ^^. Your improved shading and texturing on hair and such really brings his fluffiness out at well, hehe! Thanks for all of the hard work on it =3
Looks fantastic, hehe, shading makes it pop so vividly ^^
Hehehe, looks like he's trying to sell us that his hugs are very soft and comfy! And giving us a chance to take a free sample >83
Nice design, quite cute indeed, colours are nice on the eyes ^^
Hahaha, it's a crazy toon war to get caught up in, but I don't mind who has me...can't they take turns 83;;?
Nice work on the poses and expressions in this, turned out great ^u^
Cute sleepin' boid that needs snugs ^u^
Hehehe, I love how happy Gold looks here! Makes me wanna pet his head and rub his tummy x3! Thanks for all of the hard work on this =3
Software Engineer
Joined on 1/24/22